Group Camp

Please make sure that everything is marked with your name.

 It is better for you to pack your own kit, so that you know where everything is, as Leaders do not like having to go through bags looking for wash kit, sweatshirts, etc.

When packing kit, it is a good idea to place similar items (for example water activities clothing) in separate bags, making them easier to find and helps to keep the bag tidy during the camp. You can buy travel packing cubes which are ideal to do this. Make sure they have something to place their wet clothes into after they use them.

When on camp do not empty out your kit, as it will end up put in someone else’s bag by mistake.

If you have a brother or sister on camp you will need your own kit, as they may not be on the same activity.

Please do not bring any energy drinks or sweets.  If they are found in your possession they will be confiscated and returned to your parents at the end of camp.

Please use a soft bag for kit, they will squash up in a tent, please do not use a suitcase as they takes up too much room. A good tip on the amount of clothes to pack is allow one set of clothes for each day and one spare set.

PLEASE NOTE – mobile phones (Explorers can bring phones but will be unable to charge them and they will be responsible for them), pen knifes, alcohol, etc are not allowed on camp and will be confiscated by Leaders if found, they will be given back to parents/guardians/carers at the end of the camp.

All activities will be run in accordance with the Scout Association Safety Rules.  No responsibility for personal equipment, clothing and effects can be accepted by the Leaders and the Scout Association does not provide automatic insurance cover in respect of such items.

Sleeping Bag, (zipped up) blanket & pillow (please make sure the sleeping bag will keep you warm in minus figures, even in the summer it can be cold at night) 
Sleeping Mat also known as a Roll Mat, or a self inflating mat, these are very good to use under your sleeping bag in the tent to help keep you warm.  Please do not bring air beds as they take up a lot of space in the tent. 
Waterproof Coat and Leggings  Activities will continue even if it rains. 
Trainers & hiking boots or welliesPlease bring more than one pair of footwear. 
Bring a named drink bottle that you can fill up and use during the day.  NO NEED TO BRING PLATE, BOWL, ETC. 
Personal Wash Kit to include towels, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shower gel, shampoo, talcum powder, hair brush or comb, hair bands if you have long hair (hair will be required to be tied back for some activities for safety), sun tan lotion/wipes  (use sample sizes or small bottles for shower gel and shampoo as you won’t need a full container). It is also recommended to send insect repellent you can get stickers and also bands which can be worn and seem to work. 
Torch & spare batteries 
Pyjamas or onesie (teddy can come along as well, but will need to stay in the tent during the day) 
Warm old sweatshirts or fleece (other than uniform tops for Beavers & Cubs) 
Trousers (a few of old pairs)  you can bring shorts as well but please make sure they have a couple of pairs of long trousers as well 
A few old t-shirts 
Gloves, scarf and woolly hat (always include these when packing, as you may need to warm up) 
Underclothes to last time away, please include some spares 
Socks to last time away, please include some spares 
Water activities clothing.  Swimming costume/trunks or wet/dry suit, Water shoes (old pair of daps), towel, an old t-shirt and pair of shortsto wear over swimming costume/trunks for water activities 
If you wear glasses please bring case to store glasses in at night 
Bags for dirty & wet washing 
Explorer Scouts please bring a tent if you haven’t got one please contact the Leaders so that they can put in a spare